Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tivoli Directory Integrator: Sync AD Password with Domino

How to configure TDI for User Registration and Password Syncronization
  1. Infrastructure: (Ensure Firewall is turned off or allow the required ports to be opened)
    1. Machine 1: Active Directory
    2. Machine 2: TDI
    3. Machine 3: Domino Server
  2. Installation:
    1. Machine 1: Install TDI Plugins for Change Password Detection.
      1. Install the plugin as per the guidelines :
        • Copy the file tdipwflt.dll to the System32 folder of the Windows installation folder. Note that on 64-bit Windows operating systems, the 64-bit DLL of the Password Synchronizer must be put in the System32 folder.
        • List the name of the Windows Password Synchronizer DLL (without the ".dll" file extension) in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Notification Packages" Windows registry key. Make sure you put in the name of the 64-bit DLL on a 64-bit Windows platform.
        • Execute the registerpwsync.reg file, which is shipped with the Password Synchronizer. This will create a key for the Windows Password Synchronizer in the Windows registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli Directory Integrator\Windows Password Synchronizer". It will also set a string value "ConfigFile" that contains the absolute file name of the configuration file of the Windows Password Synchronizer.
        • Restart the machine and few extra files like “proxy” should be created in Plugin folder
      2. Configure following settings in pwsync.props file in TDI Plugin directory
        • syncClass=com.ibm.di.plugin.pwstore.jms.JMSPasswordStore
        • jms.broker=tcp://<ip_machine2>:61616
        • jms.clientId=client1
      3. Use the pwsync_admin.exe utility to restart the proxy.
    2. Machine 2: Install TDI and then apply FP 1 and FP2 (Note: FP2 installation will fail if UpdateInstaller is not replaced as per the documentation in the maintenance folder)
    3. Machine 3: Domino Server should be installed with ID Vault Configured.
  3. Configuration:
    1. Machine 2: Import the Assembly lines attached with this document in TDI and update the LDAP, Domino and AD settings
    2. For Domino User Connector, try IIOP or Local Client setting. Reference documents are attached along with this document.
    3. Deploy PasswordSync.nsf database which contains Web Service to change passwords for HTTP and ID Vault. (Note: Please ensure to update Web Service properties according to your environment)
    4. Modify the Configuration Document on Domino Server to “Allow LDAP users write access”.
  4. Modify the ID Vault policy to ensure that Notes Client doesn't ask to change password after the password is reset via ID Vault.

    Download attachment from here: Link

Monday 20 July 2015

iNotes Deployment in HA Mode with Multiple Clusters using Apache Reverse Proxy - Part 2

In continuation to my first post: http://xpagesera.blogspot.in/2013/03/inotes-deployment-in-ha-mode-with.html

In the last post, we tried setting up the Apache Reverse Proxy with Multiple Domino Clusters. Last week, we successfully implemented Apache Reverse Proxy in a unique way:

Cluster size: 7 servers - 6 Mail Servers and 1 Admin Server. This setup ensures that all password changes are immediately available to all Servers.

User's Mail file is available on either Server 1, 3, 5 OR Server 2, 4, 6. In this configuration 4 servers are in DC and 2 servers in DR. We want all traffic to land on Server 1 - 4 (DC). In case none of the DC Servers are available, then it should redirect request to Server 5, 6 (DR).

Instead of relying on the Domino Cluster Information, we have written Rules in Apache httpd.conf file to determine which Load Balancer Group a particular request should be redirected to.

First, the formula used for Apache field in iNotes Web Redirect database:

nodecookievalue:= @Name([CN];@NameLookup([NoUpdate];@UserName;"MailServer"));




This field will write Cookie values inotesses: Mail Server Name in lowercase.

Second, Check if below modules are present & loaded in Apache Reverse Proxy

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so

LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/mod_proxy_ftp.so

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so

LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so

Third, in the httpd.conf file, add Rules to redirect user request to only that server where user's mailfile is present.

<VirtualHost *:443>

ServerName webmail.demo.com

ProxyRequests off

SSLEngine On

SSLProxyEngine On

RewriteEngine On

SSLCertificateFile    /etc/apache2/ssl/webmail.crt

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/webmail.key

SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl/chain.crt

ProxyPreserveHost On

<Proxy balancer://Cluster1/>

# loadfactor is added to ensure equal requests are sent to server01 and server02, while server03 will have lowest priority.

BalancerMember https://server01.demo.com:443/ route=server01 loadfactor=50

BalancerMember https://server03.demo.com:443/ route=server03 loadfactor=50

 BalancerMember https://server05.demo.com:443/ route=server03 loadfactor=1

ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests


<Proxy balancer://Cluster2/>

BalancerMember https://server02.demo.com:443/ route=server02 loadfactor=50

BalancerMember https://server04.demo.com:443/ route=server04 loadfactor=50

 BalancerMember https://server06.demo.com:443/ route=server03 loadfactor=1

ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests


ProxyPass / balancer://Cluster1/ stickysession=inotesses nofailover=Off

ProxyPassReverse / https://server01.demo.com/

ProxyPassReverse / https://server03.demo.com/


ProxyPass / balancer://Cluster2/ stickysession=inotesses nofailover=Off

ProxyPassReverse / https://server02.demo.com/

ProxyPassReverse / https://server04.demo.com/


RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} inotesses=server01 [NC]

RewriteRule ^/((mail|iNotes|icons|domjava)/.*)$ balancer://Cluster1/$1 [P]


RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} inotesses=server02 [NC]

RewriteRule ^/((mail|iNotes|icons|domjava)/.*)$ balancer://Cluster2/$1 [P]


RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} inotesses=server03 [NC]

RewriteRule ^/((mail|iNotes|icons|domjava)/.*)$ balancer://Cluster1/$1 [P]


RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} inotesses=server04 [NC]

RewriteRule ^/((mail|iNotes|icons|domjava)/.*)$ balancer://Cluster2/$1 [P]



Now, Stop & start httpd service.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Forgot password application for Domino sever

Forgot Password Functionality for Domino

Facing issues with installation ?? : Try the troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article.

Business Case:
This application implements the “Forgot Password” functionality for Domino. This feature is available today for almost any Web application which try to reset the password by sending notification to registered mail address. However, if you forget your Domino Webmail/Notes Client password, then you need to contact Administrators to reset the password. 
If the Organization has set the policy to change the passwords after every 60/90 days, then the password reset requests are more often. For a large Customer, we observed that around 60% Support requests are meant for Password Reset for Notes Client/Web Mail. 
This tools aims at minimizing such Support Calls by encouraging users to Register for Self Password Reset application. Users need to do one time registration and set their secret questions and answers. Once registered, users can use this application to Reset their Webmail/Notes Client passwords without engaging the Support team. 
Features of application:
- Reset password for both HTTP and Notes client (via ID Vault) in a single step.
- Front end application only consists of XPages design elements with total separation from data.
- No direct access to data via web interface/domino URL
- Secret answers secured with MD5 encryption.
- Forced  authentication for Registering/editing the profile.
- Used single XPage for password reset wizard with efficient use of Dynamic content control. Browser back button send use back to the start of wizard. Therefore, application having full control of flow.
- Lockout of Accounts and preventing unauthorized attempt to reset password. If tried to answer incorrectly more than 5 times. Lock-out is cleared automatically after defined interval via a Scheduled agent. 
- ID Vault should be configured and installed.
- The Signer ID should have access to run XPages application and Password Reset Authority in ID Vault.
Application Architecture: 
It consists of two NSF files: 
Front-End Application: The XPages frontend and the other one to store use profiles.
The first database contains configuration information to connect to second db. No other data is stored in it. It contains all the XPages design elements and is available for anonymous access use.
Back-End Data Storage Application: The second database contains all the registered user's profile documents. This database has no URL access and is only accessible by the front-end XPages interface. This approach avoids all URL based quirks to access data in NSF file. The user profile stores questions and secret answers as selected by user. The data is stored with MD5 hashing to ensure even administrators can't get access to user's personal information.
Application flow:
Step 1: Register your profile one time to select three questions from a admin defined list of questions. Provide easy to remember answers for the selected questions.
Step 2: If you have forgotten your password, then go to the application and proceed with password reset wizard. 
- It will ask first to verify email address 
- If the use profile is found for the entered email I'd, the application will prompt to provide answers for 3 questions. 
- If the answers match with the stored one in profile, user is allowed to provide new password. 
- The final screen provides confirmation message with results of password change process.
Installation Instructions:
- Download the application from project Download section and unzip on local machine. 
- Copy the two NSF files to your Domino Server’s Data Directory. 
- Sign the two databases with ID which has got rights to change password in ID Vault and can run XPages application on Server. 
- Open the resetpwd.nsf database in Notes Client and Modify the settings in Keywords view.
n DATA_DB_PATH keyword specifies the path of ForgotPasswordData.nsf database. Please ensure a double “\\” to be added to path.
n The other settings specify the Domino Server names where ID Vault is located and where we would like to change the HTTP Password. 
n Few sample questions which can be easily customized in the QuestionList Keyword.
- Open the application resetpwd.nsf via Web Browser and check if it’s displaying the application HomePage. 
- Try to register a user’s profile and then try to reset the password for the same user. 
- The final screen will show status message of password change for HTTP and ID Vault. Fix the permission issues if any with ID Vault.
- Enable the Scheduled agent to Run on Server to UnBlock the profiles. This agent unlocks all such profile which were locked due to multiple failed attempts to reset the password. This is to avoid any person randomly trying to reset the password.
- Change Logos, Banner and Company Name in ccAppLayout Custom Control. 

Let me know if any specific functionality is required to be added to the application.



1. This application require minimum Domino v8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1 or Domino v9.0. It might not work with prior version of Domino, as advanced features of Extension library have been used.

2. Please ensure Session Authentication is Enabled on Domino Server.

3. Sign both the Databases with Admin Id. Signing with Server ID will not work.

4. Both user and server (on which application is running) should have Password Reset Authority with agent access.

Known errors and resolutions:

1.  403 forbidden errors:
User will get  403 forbidden error if a db is not signed correctly or user/server does not have access to run restricted agent. Therefore, ensure that both databases have been signed properly. Also, ensure that user has rights to run XPages applications on server. To allow user id being used for signing the db, add the same to server document under security--> programability restrictions.

2. Password reset authority errors:
In ID Vault setup please make sure at the end there is @ shows up besides person and server name it comes up when put a tick mark
    In the right box, select an organization or organizational unit of users whose passwords will be reset.
    In the top, left box select the name of a user or server under which the application is authorized to run.
    Click "Add" to give the selected user or server name password reset authority for the organization or organizational unit highlighted on the right.
    If you added a user name, keep the user name highlighted on the right, and select "Self-service password reset authority."
Both user and server (on which application is running) should have Password Reset Authority with agent access.